You may or may not be surprised to hear that more often than not when I tell people what I do I am met with blank stares.

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of people are aware of Virtual Assistance, some very familiar with the title and others have a vague notion that it is something that exists but most don’t really know what it involves.

You may have read an increasing number of articles about why outsourcing is key to business growth like here and here.

Maybe you’ve heard that Virtual Assistance is a new boom industry, or you might even be aware that there is now an International Virtual Assistants Day. But do you know what a Virtual Assistant really does?

If not, here is a quick overview to put you in the know:


What is a Virtual Assistant?


A virtual Assistant is a person who undertakes those tasks that you are unable to do, too busy to do or don’t want to do. This then frees up your time to put your energies where they will best serve you…

On the things that only you can do!

Their tasks usually involve admin, basic customer service and all the finicky things on your to-do list that need to be done, but not by you. By outsourcing these tasks to a VA you have the freedom to focus on building client relations, bringing in new business and excelling in your field of expertise.

And the great thing about a VA is that you get the support you need without having to take on a full-time employee.


Why do you need a Virtual Assistant?


  • Admin extraordinaires! The majority of VA’s service clients in industries they have previous experience in, therefore they understand your business and it’s needs allowing them to quickly pick up tasks for you without excessive training.
  • Lean, mean, organising machines! Those drawn to becoming Virtual Assistants are generally extremely organised, efficient and able to cope with several tasks at once. They have the experience and ability to streamline your business and complete their assigned tasks in a fraction of the time it could foreseeably take you.
  • System savvy! Most VA’s will have a huge amount of experience across many industries in devising and setting up systems that will transform how you do business.
  • Incredible focus! A VA is able to focus completely on the task at hand without the distraction or pressures faced by you in running your business.
  • Clear your plate! You can outsource mundane, routine or time-consuming tasks to your VA for a fraction of your hourly rate.
  • Two heads are better than one! They bring not only a wealth of experience but a fresh pair of eyes that can identify where you can streamline to increase productivity and in turn your revenue potential.
  • Save money! No holiday pay. No sick pay. No tax or national insurance. No overheads. You only pay for the hours you use. But with the added bonus of building a relationship with someone who will come to understand your business, your style of working and your expectations.

In short, a Virtual Assistant takes on the tasks that are distracting you from doing your best work. They increase your productivity, so you can focus on the tasks that only you can do allowing you to build your business and increase your revenue.

If you need any advice on choosing a virtual assistant or to work out what you could offload, why not get in touch?

Email me: